Day 28: Find A Church Home
Dear Little Princess,
Finding a good church home is absolutely necessary for your walk with the Lord. Daddy and I have tried to model faithfulness in church attendance for you and your brothers. Serving the church body is a fantastic way to be the hands and feet of Jesus for other believers, and it also sets an example to the unsaved. Even more than that, the Bible commands us not to neglect assembling together with other believers (Hebrews 10:25).
As good and necessary as church attendance is for spiritual growth, never forget that church attendance does not save you. Nothing we do can ever earn our salvation, not even noble, biblical pursuits such as attending church or reading your Bible. However, doing these things can lead you to salvation since both will tell you of Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection. And for those already saved, hearing Scripture preached and reading Scripture for yourself can deepen your knowledge of God, it can enrich your faith, and it can encourage you to desire things of the Lord.
If you end up moving a lot in your adult life, finding a solid, Bible-believing church might be hard. In that case, be as faithful as you can for the time the Lord gives you in a given area. You can also listen to online sermons from a church you love. This can offer continuity for the times when you will be between churches.
I truly hope, though, that the Lord will allow you to put down roots in one area and that you can find a church home where you can both grow and serve the Body of believers. Serving in your local church, praying for the believers there, and learning and growing alongside your Christian brothers and sisters is a fantastic way to enjoy community and promote fellowship.
All my love,