Day 3: Jesus Is Our Perfect Example
Dear Little Princess,
Yesterday, when sharing about my imperfections, I mentioned that we need a Perfect Example to follow. I can’t give you that perfect example, because while I’m alive on this Earth, I still have my old sin nature to deal with. Everyone does. But there is One sinless example we can follow: Jesus Christ.
That’s the beauty the Christian life. When our Earthly guides aren’t setting Godly examples at times, we have the perfect example of Christ to follow. He was perfect in every way because He was God the Son Incarnate (that’s a fancy way of saying that He became 100% man while remaining 100% God). He came to die on the cross and to take the eternal punishment that we deserved – the Perfect slain for the Imperfect.
There are many religions available today. But the Christian faith stands apart from all the rest for this one thing: the Bible teaches that no one can earn his way to Heaven. Not by works, not by his own righteousness, not by living a chaste lifestyle. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ (John 14:6), believing that only He could die for our sins, and that in so doing, there is nothing more for us to do but to believe in the finished work on the cross. While those of us who are saved do try to live a Godly life and do what pleases Him, we do it out of thanks, not as a way to earn our salvation. We could never earn it; it is a free gift (Romans 6:23).
If I could only teach you one thing in life, it would be this: a believing faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection is the only thing that can ever save you. Understanding this truth is paramount to every other part of life. Daddy and I pray every night that you and your brothers will grow up to love and serve the Lord. We have no greater passion or urgency than to see you walk in truth.
The world will tell you that Christianity is a crutch that you don’t need, that to believe in the stories of the Bible is childish. Truthfully, it can be intimidating to trust in Someone whom you’ve never seen. However, I have witnessed His working in my life in so many amazing ways that I have no doubt that the God of the Bible is very real. He Himself has promised to give us the faith needed to trust in Him (Ephesians 2:8-9).
So, sweet Little Princess, Daddy and I will continue to pray that you will grow up to be a Godly woman who puts God first, that you will follow Jesus’ example, and strive – with the help of the Holy Spirit – to honor the Lord in all you do.
All my love,