Wash His Feet, Day 30: Tell Him You Love Him

Wash His Feet Day 30

Note: Today’s post is part of the Write 31 Days challenge. You can find the introduction and links to the posts in this series right here.

Some years ago, when Jon was working nights, going to school during the day, and finances were incredibly tight, he grabbed me out of the blue and hugged me.

“Man, I love you so much!” he said as he embraced me.

I hadn’t realized until he said those words just how much I needed to hear them. We’d basically been ships passing in the night, it seemed at the time, and hadn’t been able to see one another for more than just a few minutes here and there. We hadn’t been able to connect as much as I had wanted, but that one phrase was exactly what I had needed at that moment.

Those years of night shift work, endless school assignments, and chasing toddlers weren’t my favorite, but little moments like the one I just shared offered little beacons of encouragement that got me through that season.

Sometimes, we’re not aware ourselves of just how much we need to be told that we’re loved and appreciated. So, today’s assignment is to tell your husband that you love him. These might just be the words he needs to hear from you.

While I think there are many more ways to “say” I love you than just with words, some people really need to hear the actual spoken phrase as much as they need to see love in action. I don’t know what it is about verbal affirmation that makes such an impact, but it can be a powerful way to wash your husband’s feet.

And while we’re not in this challenge for what we’ll personally get out of it, more than likely, your husband will reciprocate with similar words - words that you yourself might be needing to hear!

Saying “I love you” affirms our devotion to our husbands. It conveys our willingness to support them and to cheer them on, that we have their best in mind and want to see them succeed. It demonstrates that we honor them and appreciate all that they do for us.

Let’s not withhold our “I love you”s. Instead, let’s use that phrase liberally for the purpose of building up and washing our husbands’ feet. If God loved us enough to send His own Son to die in our place, we should want to extend that same love toward our own husbands as our leaders, our providers, and our brothers in the faith!

Wash His Feet Day 30