Wash His Feet, Day 27: Give Him A Gift

Wash His Feet Day 27

Note: Today’s post is part of the Write 31 Days challenge. You can find the introduction and links to the posts in this series right here. Additionally, this post contains affiliate links. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

My sister is one of the best gift givers I know. She can pick up on and remember subtle clues people give off about their likes and hobbies and has a knack for turning those interests into a perfect gift at Christmastime.

Me, on the other hand? I’m terrible at giving gifts. I never know what to get for people, and making it even worse is the fact that I really don’t care for shopping. Going into a store to find a gift, especially when I don’t even know what, exactly, I’m after is not my idea of a good time.

Whether you’re an expert gift giver like my sister or your gift-giving skills are more like mine, today, why not give your husband a small gift?

Yes, I know you might not like giving gifts or might not even know what he’d like. Perhaps your husband is like mine in that he’s the most difficult person in the world to shop for! And perhaps you don’t have a lot of wiggle room in your budget for a spontaneous present.

Your gift doesn’t necessarily have to be something purchased. It could be something you make or something you exchange for something else (like trading a service with a friend). Just remember to give him something that he really wants, not just something that you really want to give him. (I’d love to give Jon some equipment for doing yard work - hint, hint - but I don’t think he would actually appreciate this gesture.)

So far in this series, we’ve worked at developing respect for our husbands, learned to listen to him, and found ways to spend time with him. Each of these is a so-called “love language,” as is gift giving. We’re simply trying out new ways to wash our husband’s feet, to see which things resonate with him and which things aren’t a good fit.

(Note: I realize that “respect” and “listening” aren’t listed in the 5 Love Languages book, but I personally believe that they are very valid ways to express love for someone, so I’ve included them in this series.)

Giving and receiving gifts isn’t something that I’m particularly fond of, but for some people, giving and receiving gifts is a huge part of who they are. If your husband happens to be one of them, you definitely want to go out of your way to meet this special need in his life!

Wash His Feet Day 27