3 Takeaways from the Business Boutique
Last weekend, I was privileged to attend Christy Wright's Business Boutique. I'd looked into going earlier this summer, but when I tallied the cost of the conference ticket, air fair, a hotel, and a rental car, it just didn't seem financially feasible. However, the Lord must have wanted me to go, because He provided the ticket and air fair, leaving me to cover just the car and hotel! (I was even able to share the hotel costs with another gal to help further lower the cost.)
Although I'd heard glowing reports about the Business Boutique, I honestly didn't know a lot about it. I knew Christy Wright was a believer, but I wasn't even sure if her beliefs would come through in her speaking or if the conference would focus only on business without much emphasis on spiritual issues. I was thrilled to find that the event focused on faith!
I thoroughly enjoyed myself despite the fact that I was under the weather and that there were people everywhere (not usually something I enjoy as an introvert). I made new contacts and came away with a wealth of encouragement and ideas to share with Jon!
In fact, I found 3 major takeaways from the Business Boutique that seem to apply to much more than just business:
God has a plan and a purpose for your life
Before the Business Boutique, I'd never heard of Christine Caine. But she ended up being my favorite speaker at the event! I know many other ladies felt the same. Christine said over and over again: "God has a purpose for your life. It doesn't matter how old you are, how unskilled you believe yourself to be, or how invisible you feel. If you are still here on Earth, His purpose for you isn't finished yet."
It's really easy for me to focus on my weaknesses and ignore my strengths, to the point that feels as though God can't use me at all. I see my failings as a Christian, as a wife, as a mom, and as a friend. But the problem with seeing all of my faults is that I'm simply too focused on what I can't do that I forget about what God can do. Where I fall short, He can fill in. Where I am limited, He is limitless. And when I stop being selfish and stop dwelling on my shortcomings, I remember Christine's insight that He has a plan and a purpose for me, and He can use me to further His kingdom.
Nothing is impossible with God
Christy Wright had an excellent quote: "God starts at 'impossible.'" We might not feel equipped to handle what the Lord is asking of us, but He is faithful to enable us to do whatever it is He asks us to do. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is impossible with God. He enabled Noah to build a boat that saved himself and his family even though everyone else laughed at him. He brought Job through intense suffering and gave Job back all that he once had and more. He sent His own Son to take our punishment and to conquer death.
If He has given us a heart for ministry, He will equip and enable us to follow through with it. It might be overwhelming to us, but our God is a God who loves doing what is impossible!
Steward your limited resources wisely
The truth is that we will always have more things we want to do than we'll be able to do. There is no shortage of opportunities, but we all have limited resources. We need to use those resources (Christa Hutchins refers to time, money, and knowledge as the resource triangle) to the best of our abilities. Whenever possible, we need to focus on the areas where our strengths shine and let others help us where we're weak. In this way, we can work together for the furtherance of the Gospel.
As an example, online personality Amy Porterfield surprised me when she confessed that she is only active on Facebook and Instagram. Although Pinterest is heralded as the next up-and-coming social media platform, she simply can't do all three well, so she's chosen to use her time wisely by focusing only on the two platforms she feels will be the best use of her time.
The reminders that God has a plan and purpose for each and every one of us, that nothing is too big or impossible for Him to do, and that we must make the best use of our limited resources were invaluable, not only as a blogger, but also for life in general.
I loved the Business Boutique and am so blessed to have been able to attend!