Is God Faithful When Life is Bleakest?


Do you ever stand in amazement at God's provision?  I certainly do.  Three years ago, family and friends put together a fundraiser for Turbo's much-needed insulin pump.  No one who participated had any expectations about how much they would be able to raise for us - they simply wanted to donate to our need.  The fundraiser ended up covering the entire cost of his pump plus supplies for over 2 years.  Friends, I can't even begin to express what this did for my faith.  I can only say that God is faithful.  So faithful.

When my friend Julie from Tokyo Blossom Boutique experienced her own medical trial and got to experience God's faithfulness first-hand in her own life, I asked if she'd be willing to share her story with us here on the blog.  She willingly agreed, and I am so honored to be able to let you read her story today!  It echoes so much of what I've personally been through, and I know her story of God's faithfulness will inspire your faith, too.

God's Faithfulness in the Bleakest Moments - by Julie Fuller

Sometimes God seems to show how great He really is during the bleakest moments of our life...

A week before Christmas, my husband started experiencing unbearable pain. He was in so much pain that we had to call the paramedics because we thought he might be dying. I didn't know what to do! It was two in the morning, our little guy was sound asleep, and I was having to quickly decide how to handle the scenario. Since our hospital is very close, we both decided that it would be better for me to stay home until Sean woke up, have our neighbors care for him, and then head to the hospital so he wouldn't panic when he woke up the next morning.

So I said goodbye to my hubby as they wheeled him out on a stretcher...

I had no idea what to expect and there was absolutely no way I would be able to fall asleep again, so I prayed... prayed and 'stress cleaned' my house. I must have texted him a million times, but with the overwhelming pain he only managed to reply here and there. Once he arrived, they were able to give him medication for the pain and his body was able to rest for a short while.

All I knew was that in Scott's medicated/groggy state, he had mentioned Pancreatitis and had tried to tell me which room he was staying in. I honestly didn't know what that would entail. All I knew was that we are both self employed, without medical insurance, and this was going to take a miracle. I started to worry, but this overwhelming peace came over me. I really can't explain it other than I just felt that God was going to take care of us some how.

A lot had happened leading up to that day. Our church had a 'sacrifice offering' that would go towards the completion of our new gym. We had wanted to give towards it, but we really didn't have anything extra at that point. All of our needs had been met, there was food in the fridge, and our bills had been paid, but December had been kind of a tough month, and there just wasn't anything left to give. So we prayed and asked God what He would have us do, then we all agreed we would do without our live Christmas tree tradition this year and give our 'Christmas tree' to Jesus. We were so excited... even Sean, that we were getting to actually give. We knew it wasn't a lot, but we were giving the absolute best we could.

So Scott dropped our check in the offering plate, with no idea that we would be headed to the hospital that very night.

My sister would call every so often to find out if we had gotten any more news. At one point she called me and said, "Julie, you're going to get a notification in a few minutes, but don't hate me. Just know I did it 'cause I love you." Come to find out, she had started a go fund me page for us. I thought that maybe a few people might donate, and it might cover the gas, food, and parking during the time we were in the hospital, but guys...

within 24 hours, over 5 grand was donated, covering our hospital bill. Then more donations came in from outside of the Go Fund Me account, and that scan will be completely covered as well.

I sat there in the hospital, looked at my phone and ugly cried. God had given us back our Christmas tree 200+ times over. That alone was mind boggling, but a few nights later, I had a family I have never met before contact me. They told us that they had heard our story and they wanted to donate towards a tree. They asked how much we normally spent on a tree and instead of just providing a tree, they decided to donate three times that amount because they wanted to make sure we had a nice Christmas. People prayed, brought us gifts, special meals for Scott's new diet, gave of their time... Friends and family messaged, texted, called to make sure everything was taken care of.

Guys, God is faithful.

Later on this week, we go back in for an endoscopic ultrasound for the spot they found on his Pancreas and a gallbladder removal in the near future. It's been a tough month and a half, but through this, our faith has been stretched and His grace has been abundant.

I don't know what you are going through, but I hope you will rest in the fact that He loves you more than we can even fathom, and your trial is no surprise to Him.

Julie is the blogger and shop owner behind Tokyo Blossom Boutique. Originally from Japan, she now lives in Georgia with her husband and son, where they run Scott's graphic design studio and her online accessory shop. You can read more about her and her business at or find her on Etsy, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
