I am a sinner saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). I believe in the sovereignty of God.

I believe that the Bible is God's Inspired Word, written down by men as the Holy Spirit motivated them to do so (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

I believe that every single person who has ever lived, except for Jesus Christ Who was the Perfect Son of God, has a sin nature and is in need of salvation (Romans 3:23).

I believe that faith Christ's finished work on the Cross - His death and resurrection - is the only way to that needed salvation (John 14:6).  While reading the Word, church attendance, baptism, and participation in the Lord's Supper can all be outward signs of a redeemed life, they cannot, of their own, save anyone (although people certainly can come to a saving knowledge of God through reading the Word and hearing it preached in church).

As a Christian who trusts in Christ’s saving work on the cross, I write from the perspective of a believer.  Everything I do, write, or say is affected by my faith because my One True Anchor in life is my Heavenly Father.  Trusting in Christ is the one source of hope that has remained constant through each and every hallway, trial, or crisis I’ve experienced.

I believe that everyone reading this blog can have the same hope for their hallways that I have for mine, because God freely offers salvation to all men (John 3:16).  If you're reading this and aren't fully trusting in salvation through faith alone or aren't sure whether or not you are, may I encourage you to place your faith in the One True God right now?

If you have any questions about God's plan for salvation, please don't hesitate to connect with me either through the contact form or at hallwayinitiative@gmail.com.  I'd welcome the opportunity to share more about my faith and to pray for you!